There is one key to life that if people would just put to use the world would be a much better place to live. In a world that is more “educated” than ever before, we have to be more ignorant than ever before in history. All the stuff that they teach in school doesn't teach much about the values of life. We learn things in text form and we never learn to apply common sense to our everyday lives. In the United States the lack of common sense has caused this country to be in debt and a have more crime, poverty, and anguish.
Common sense is simply looking at a situation and thinking of it in a practical manner. Everything we think about nowadays is nothing but a conceptual mess leading from one dumb decision to another. For example everyone knows about sexually-transmitted diseases, but despite the risk people continue to sleep around. We all know that printing money is only going to decrease the value of a dollar and create debt, but people in today’s society see that is a way out. They don’t realize they are just putting our economy deeper in the ground. Another example is that it is dangerous to drink and drive but people continued to do it anyway.
Do you see the patterns that we have set for ourselves? It is apparent that with all the “education” and “knowledge” we have attained, we have neglected to look at the way things are going to turn out. We have been taught that books and everything on the Internet is true and without fault, but human error is ever so prevalent. If we could just learn to look at things for what they are and use our brain, our country might be on economic rise instead of falling, or Maybe there will be fewer accidents involving drunk drivers.
Now I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but I can speak for America. It is time to wake up and see exactly what we have been doing to our country. We have destroyed the values and the morals that our founding fathers wanted for this country by not using common sense. Though education is more prevalent in society than before, we have got to have some of the dumbest citizens and political leaders in this country today. It’s not their fault because no one has ever told them to think practically, because in school you were taught to think “outside the box”. While abstract thinking is okay sometimes, it is important to understand what will happen in the real world.
It’s time to wake up America! Start using the brain that God gave you and make decisions that will actually benefit the country we live in. Whether you’re a politician or a high school student, use your head when making decisions. We need to go back to living on Biblical principle instead of the nonsense we believe and live in today!
Common sense is not as common as it use to be!