Thursday, February 20, 2014

Education vs. Indoctrination: What Are They Teaching in Schools?

What are they teaching in schools these days? Have any of you realized what you or your children are being taught when they walk into today's education system? I am working on finishing my second degree right now, and I am amazed at what they are teaching us as so called facts. Do any of you remember when you actually learned facts in schools? One thing i have noticed is that they teach very little facts but they sure do force "theories" down the throats of students. There is nothing in a science class these days that tells things that they can prove. The are repeatedly teaching things that are just ideas to students, and making them believe that it happened that way, with ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF!

My favorite example is evolution. This is the biggest and most ridiculous of them all. I had a biology teacher once tell me that we came from lemurs. Well I don't know if you believe that, but if you do I invite you to think of it from this perspective. Supposedly we "evolved from monkeys" or we were once "slime that developed into a human body". If any of this was true why would it have stopped so long ago? If evolution was possible, wouldn't you see monkeys walking out of zoos and humans growing from slime in a lake? When is the last time you saw that? You can't answer that question because if you said so you would be lying. If anybody ever saw that, it would be all over Facebook, Twitter, and CNN. Not to worry though because you will never see it. To put it in southern dialogue IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

Why would they teach something as fact when they not only have no proof, but it isn't occurring today? Why do so many people believe this stuff? It makes absolutely no sense to believe in something that doesn't continue to happen. Supposedly the world is always evolving, but if that was the case we would see evidence of it over time. I have been alive for quite some time and I have to say that I have never seen it. And my parents have been alive for much longer and they have never seen it either.

I do however believe in adaptation. Every species adapts to certain stimuli they encounter. In a way natural selection is a conceivable idea, because certain traits are looked upon as attractive and are chosen in nature. For example if women like tall men they will mate with more tall men, and shorter men will not receive as many mating opportunities. That doesn't mean we evolved into being tall because if it did I would be playing basketball for the Lakers. The reason you see bigger, stronger, and faster athletes in sports today isn't because we have evolved into that. Those few players were just selected by organizations to play rather than the smaller ones, because bigger athletes are looked on to provide a greater advantage over opponents

The last point I want to make is that if we can teach unproven theories in school, why is it so bad to talk about the Bible or Christ in school? I mean even if you don't believe in God it shouldn't matter. Some parents over the years have protested Creation being taught in schools because they didn't want their child exposed to the Bible. Well I don't want my children learning about "evolution" so now it is my turn to protest against something that if we think about it, is a load of garbage. They want students to be open minded. Well open your mind and let children see the other side of the coin for once. In many cases kids are not even exposed to the Bible in the home so how about being fair. If we allow them to teach scientific theory let them learn about Creation!

If you like this and agree feel free to leave a comment and share it with your friends. It is time to change what the future of America is being taught in schools.


  1. Evolution does not say we come from monkeys. It says we have a common ancestor. Evolution occurs over generations, not in a single lifetime. That is why you don't see monkeys morphing into humans. Humans aren't evolving anymore, because due to civilization, natural selection in humans is effectively gone. Evolution is certainly not 100% proven, but it has much more proof than creationism. And why can't we teach creationism in schools? Because America has this little thing called separation of church and state. If you're so against evolution, maybe you should at least try to research it some more before making idiotic statements.

    You just come off as uneducated and ignorant. Stop misinforming others.

  2. I have to charge you with the same thing. You are ignorant, uneducated and intolerant! Not only are you wrong you ve proven the writer correct!
    1) Evolution is a theory. Theory is an idea or set of ideas that may explain or suggest an explaination of phenomena. Not 1/10 of the theory of evolution has been proven! Louis Leakey spent an entire lifetime trying to find the missing link. It hasn't been found because it DOES NOT exist! Natural selecton goes on every day by humans. We select our mates based on physical, intellectual and emtional levels! If you are not making a natural selection, then you are making foolish choices!
    2] ™We don't teach creationism in schools because America has a little thing called separation of church and state." Have you ever read the Constsution? The words "separation of church and state appear NOWHERE in this document. It is not even in the Declaration of Independence. There is more God in our Founding documents than not! Jefferson wrote a LETTER to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. He was explaoning to them why he did not call for national days of prayer and thanksgiving as Washington and Adams before him had done. He was of the opinion that Congress should not give the "appearance of establishing a national religion." And thus the "wall of separation". Seems to me YOU are the one that needs to do the research and quit making the uninformed idiotic statements! I have a suggestion for you... Christians look to the Cross. Look up on Google "the cross in our bodies". It is a photo that will make you think about a God gene! The other suggestion I have for you is to read the book callef "Buried Alive" by Jack Cuozzo. This book will show you the crap that is evolution!
