Monday, April 7, 2014

Be Grateful When Others Help You

When someone does something for you, do always remember to thank them? If you don't you should because we all need to learn to be more appreciative of what others do for us. I know that when I worked in retail that people expect you to just do everything because "that is what they pay you for".

I have heard that more times than I can count, and I have to say that most places do not pay enough for everything you do. You can pretty much tell when someone is going above and beyond what their job duties call for. I know I used to do things for customers and when I would finish they would just walk off and never seem grateful.

I'm not saying that I worked for a thank you, but it did make me feel much better when someone let me know that you they are grateful for my services. We all need to have that gratification that a paycheck just doesn't fill. I would not trade money for appreciation alone, but i feel that being thanked is not only courteous  but also makes someone feel more complete.

Next time you go to the grocery store or anywhere be thankful for the people working there. The people that clean the bathrooms, scan your groceries, and carry them out to your car don't make enough for what they do. Be grateful that even though they don't make much that they still do their best to take care of you. When appropriate thank them and let them know that you appreciate them because without them you will not have the pleasant shopping experience that you often do.

When you thank people for doing things for you they will be more likely to go above and beyond to help you in the future. Not to mention it is just plain disrespectful not to thank someone for providing a service to you.

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