Thursday, April 10, 2014

Money Isn't Everything, You Should Also Be Happy

If you have ever worked a job you hate the you can relate to just about everyone in the world including myself. It is not uncommon to work a job just because you have to, and push come to shove, it is better to have a bad job than no job. 

I want to share something with you that I have been thinking about for a while now. Through the years I have been in a lot of less pleasurable circumstances, and through these experiences I have learned one thing that it is hard to teach younger generations. 


I know you are not going to live forever, but just think that if you are even able to retire, you will be working for a minimum of thirty to fifty years. I don't know about you but I think that is a pretty good amount of time. If you work somewhere that you are miserable, what impact do you think that will have on your health and well being?

I can tell you what it did for me. I have done everything I possibly can to make the most of my life, and to make a path for happiness and success in my future. The only thing that I feel that people have the wrong idea about is money. 

No you cannot live without money unfortunately, but the amount of money you make should not always reflect the employment you accept. Don't take a job you hate just because it pays more unless it is what is necessary to provide for your family. You may not have as many material things, but you will be a much healthier and happier person. 

Make sure that you have enough money to buy what you and your family needs, but don't kill yourself to make more money just because. You life is too short to live miserable, and you work way to long to wake up dreading every day, so do your best and don't always think more money is better. Yo can't always have your cake and eat it too, so think of what is most important and what will give you what you need to live. 

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