Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Exercise Is Great Medicine For a Bad Day

There are many factors that have an impact on your happiness every day. Stress at work, children getting in trouble, and when your next bills are do could make or break your day in a hurry. One thing that many people don't realize is how much better you will feel and how much happier you will be if you try to exercise a few times a week. 

Most people associate lifting weights with big strong men and jogging with overweight people, but what they don't realize is how it can help even the average person enjoy their life much more. Taking a light jog, walk, or lifting some weights can actually help you feel better about yourself. Exercise eliminates anxiety and stress and these are the main ingredients for a miserable day or week at work. 

When exercising the body is pumping fresh oxygenated blood to the muscles and it causes the muscles to flush all the tension and toxins out. It also causes the body to release chemicals in the brain that promote peace and relaxation. 

Many of us just don't realize how much it can help your health far beyond just being able to fit in those jeans you bought last year. It is almost the best type of therapy you could ever take the time to do for yourself. If you want to not only look better, but also feel better and be less stressed you should consider walking, jogging, or getting in some resistance training a few times a week. Your body and brain will really appreciate it and you will have more energy at work and for spending time with your family.  

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